Web & Mobile Development

Empowering Your Brand’s Digital Identity


The digital landscape is the new norm. Regardless of your business type and industry vertical, a significant chunk of your competition comes through digital channels. Whether your business model is strictly brick-and-mortar or you offer SaaS solutions, establishing a strong online presence is crucial as over 59% of the world’s population is an active internet user. This means more than 4.57 billion people!

However, with millions of websites and mobile applications saturating the current business landscape, simply setting one up is not going to provide you a competitive edge. There are various web and application development aspects that need to be integrated properly. From coding and backend support to UI/UX elements and responsive functionality, your website and application will speak volumes about your brand. It’s not just about pretty aesthetics and keyword-optimized content.

A full suite of web and application development capabilities and proficiency in technologies such as PHP, MySQL, CMS, NetSuite, Python, Android, iOS, and Native enables our team of designers and developers to deploy solutions that boost your bottom line, increasing your revenue-generating potential.

Website Development and Design

Digital transformation is a global phenomenon, compelling millions of businesses to take their stories to the internet through their websites. Today, there are well over 1 billion websites saturating the proverbial internet space. Intigate integrates unmatched web development elements that help your website stand out.

Responsive Web Design

The responsiveness of a website determines how it adjusts to fit the device it is being accessed on. It not only improves user experience, but it also helps you rank better on search engines as it placates the need for indexing and ranking algorithms.

Optimized Performance

Without optimized functionality, any attractive looking website is rendered useless. Slow load times, heavy graphics, clutter, hard to navigate menus, and sitemaps are all challenges we can help you mitigate these challenges.

Aiming for Accessibility and User Friendliness

Computer prowess shouldn’t deter anyone from using the website. It needs to be easily accessible to everyone. Our proficiency with HTML among other website development techniques to integrate features, simplifies the website’s functionality.

Mobile Application Development

From social media to mobile games and indie applications with seemingly no purpose, there are a plethora of mobile apps saturating leading app stores with 204 billion app downloads just in 2019. Intigate leverages agile mobile development strategies and technologies to create high-performing applications.


We use the latest android and Kotlin development tools to develop custom applications for devices that run on the Android Operating System.


Using the latest Xcode version, Objective-C, and Swift, Intigate writes and develops apps for iOS devices. We aim to deliver applications that deliver high functionality and engagement.


We write codes for your custom hybrid application using CSS, Javascript, and HTML to write codes that allow the app to run on multiple operating systems without glitches.

SDLC Process – Web & Mobile Development

In our effort to deliver stellar web and mobile applications that provide seamless user experiences, we offer a comprehensive application design process that undertakes analysis, integration, and management of features and aspects that fit your business’s domain and requirements.

We begin by collecting relevant information as per your request and requirements from the project.

We develop high and low-level software architecture and UI screens using the information obtained previously.

Using agile methodologies, we divide project modules and begin coding the system using suitable programming languages and coding guidelines.

Our QA testing team tests the functionality of the code to identify and fix bugs that improve the solution’s performance.

Our team deploys the finalized version of the software or application to it can be launched to target your user market.

As per your SLA, Intigate ensures that ongoing needs for maintenance and support for the deployed solution are met effectively.

Our Approach

Mobile and web development is the core business segment of Intigatewhere our expertise has been empowering companies in engaging customers through speedy and highly functional websites and mobile applications. To deliver native and cross-platform feature-rich applications, we use scalable methodologies suiting your project requirements:

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    Agile development methodology is used to minimize risks involved when adding functionalities such as bugs, cost overruns, and changing requirements.

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    Lean Development

    The lean model is used to reduce development costs, improve quality, increase productivity, and leading to increased customer satisfaction.

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    RAD (Rapid Application Development)

    This approach allows developers to quickly adjust to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing environment. RAD is useful for small to medium projects that are time-sensitive.

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    The waterfall method is consists of sequential phases (requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance). Project managers decide to use this methodology for projects with clear objectives and stable requirements.

Full-Stack Technologies & Tools We Champion

Intigate’s team has built and honed competency in a wide range of technologies and tools that facilitate proficient development processes.