- The client wanted to introduce the world to the benefits of her well-researched homemade herbal products for a better skin experience. This very thought led to the start of the journey for Feather & Bone.
- The client ventured into ecommerce of homemade skin care products like face Wash Tablets, Hand Lotion, Lip Balm etc.
Feather & Bone
Business Needs
- The client wanted a platform to sell herbal skin care products worldwide with a mission for men and women to feel elevated by an improved skin and refreshed confidence.
- There was a requirement to develop an informative website about how journey started and to represent a catalogue of herbal skin care products with amazing features and benefits.
- The client also required user accounts for the users to order products and an admin account to manage products details, orders, and shipment.
Proposed Idea
- Intigate gave a solution to develop a website describing the journey of Feather & Bone and a screen displaying all skincare products at one place along with their price.
- On clicking product images, product details with their size (in case of the T-shirt) are displayed to put in a cart followed by purchasing.
- Intigate also developed a blog to share the client’s thoughts and tips for self-care.
Technology Stack
Feathers & Bone Screens
Business Impact
- Attract new Customers– Feather & Bone gives a platform to view and purchase products from anywhere in just few clicks. Also, items available on discounted prices are notified to the registered users. Users can also track item delivery status.
- 24/7 Potential income– Online shopping is available 24/7 which increases their sales by boosting number of the orders.
- Jobs for professionals & vendors – It provides a way to earn money and expand business. Vendors get to upload items for selling and professionals are reached out to give their services to customers.
- Sell internationally – Additional herbal products vendorsare having benefits of selling their items in multiple countries by just uploading the descriptions onto the website.
- Customers data Analysis –By analysing the customers’ activities, application understands the likes, dislikes and most searched item and shows the items accordingly which adds to the customer experience and increases the chances of purchase.