The Client is running a Healthcare service company for organizations in Kuwait. Everything is done manually; people visit and book clinics manually and verbally. The client wanted to move their appointment booking system from a traditional pen-and-paper format to an online system that they could all manage and update, and that would allow their clients to book appointments online from their website. The client also wanted to import all their existing client data into the new system.
Appointment Booking System
About the Client

Business Problem
The client wanted to implement an end-to-end mobile hospital management system for their staff, physicians, and patients. The requirement was an easy to use system that would be able to book appointments, add users, and edit appointments.
Some of the key objectives were:
- Enable Health Care Physicians (HCPs) to access patient health records (EHR) on a real-time basis.
- Secure login interface and encrypted transfer of patient data.
- Establish a mode of communication between doctors/nurses and patients whenever necessary.
- Alert patients for specific medication on a timely basis, pending laboratory tests, frequent check-ups with doctors.
Doctors Features:
Doctors are the internal users created by Administrators of the clinic. The doctors are the users with limited access to the applications. When a doctor is created in clinic they are assigned to login credentials.
- A doctor can update their profile details.
- Doctors can manage their leaves & schedules.
- The doctor and patient can fix the next appointment for follow-up, on which date they need to come for another checkup.
- A doctor can cancel their appointments in case of unavailability.
- A doctor can also transfer appointments to another staff (Nurse/Cashier/Reception).
- Doctors can update the patient report after the consultation of that particular patient.
- Doctors can add the prescriptions for patients.
- Doctors can reopen the closed account.
Patient Features:
- Easy registration including social authorization and OTP.
- Book appointment from the various time slots available either visit the published website or by a call to the clinic.
- Manage appointments to view, reschedule, or cancel the appointment.
- The patient can attach past medical history with upcoming appointments.
- Patients can book future appointments as well.
- Patients can view details like prescriptions, Reports, procedures to past appointments.
- Notification/Reminder to Patients when they need to visit in the clinic for an appointment.
- Notification/Reminder to Patients when they need to take medicine.
- Payment through Credit card, Cash.
- Patients can give feedback to the clinic and doctors also.
Clinic Admin Features:
- Creation and manage of User account.
- Role based access.
- Moving appointment to nurse, doctor and cashier.
- Manage appointment like Reschedule and cancel.
- Manage Reports.
- Manage payments.
- View clinics and doctor’s ratings and review.
- Manage cases with conflicts and dispute.
Web-Admin Features:
- Manage Corporate full CMS
- Manage Subscriptions
- User Management & Role based access.
- Manage clinics and clinic users.
- Financial transaction reports.
- Manage Patient details.
- Manage clinics and doctor reviews & ability to approve and reject.
- Ability to set/change content of all email and notification sent across the system.
- Dynamic email and notification content.
- Manage Subscription, revenue reports and graphs
- Manage patient reports.
Technology Used
e-Clinika Screen 1

e-Clinika Screen 2

e-Clinika Screen 3

e-Clinika Screen 4

Business Impact
This solution is beneficial to various teams -Clinic admin, Doctors, and patients. The following results were achieved for the client:
- Higher productivity and efficiency– Real-time data access and sharing information across the complete chain of patient record workflow reduced the delay in information being received.
- Anytime patient care– Enabling call services on the app allows patients to be in touch with the physicians for any emergency services.
- Seamless Integration– The company provides seamless integration with existing legacy systems ensuring continuity in system workflow.
- Cost Effective– Reduction in overhead costs incurred in workforce transfer of paper-data into legacy systems.